Campaign for Disease free world – 53 Foods, Exercises and Herbs

Health is the combination of wholeness. The natural state of our body is health not illness. The very meaning of the word health is to heal thy, heal them, heal thou and we need to look at all the areas of our lives to attain this state. Health also means improved immunity, increased blood circulation, better stamina and energy levels. Eat healthy, exercise, breathe, meditate and introspect everyday – so that all the areas of your life get centred to eventually harmonize your life. So, wake up to naturalism, discipline and a sense of calm to uplift, steer and live your life to the fullest. Be free of diseases and ailments, be Mickeymized!!! .

These are the selected 53 yogasanas and other exercises that are guaranteed to make you INVINCIBLE in strength, stamina and agility and to transform you.
1. Trikonasan: Helps in strengthening most of the muscles of the body. Helps the shoulder muscles to be strong and flexible.
2. Pashchimottasan: Exercises the abdominal muscles and stretches the back muscles.
3. Ardhamatsyendrasana: Helps relieve gas and brings about contraction of the internal abdominal organs.
4. Dhanurasan: Improves circulation, tones the back muscles, maintains elasticity of the spine and improves posture.
5. Bhujangasan: Stretches the spine, activates digestive secretions and makes the spine flexible.
6. Pawanmukhthasan: Strengthens the stomach and back.
7. Tadasan (the starting point of most yoga poses) –Do 5 times while holding to the count of 10, 1 minute, (improves respiratory/digestive functions, strengthens the spine)
8. Naukasan – Helps reduce back ache and tones the abs.
9. Sethubandhasana – strengthens the back muscles and the hamstrings, stretches the spine and neck, improves circulation, calms the nervous systems, stimulates the abdominal organs and the thyroid and reduces anxiety and fatigue.
10. Veer bhadrasana or the warrior pose – the many variations of this pose stretches and tones the abdominal muscles, leg muscles, spine and relieves body tensions.
11. Padmasana – tones the abdominal organs and the pelvic region and improves posture.
12. Padahastasana – is excellent for the nervous system and makes the spine supple.
13. Adhomukha svanasana or Downward dog pose –builds bone density, eliminates back pain and stiffness, strengthens the shoulders and arms and boosts circulation.
14. Suryanamskar: Is a full body workout and brings flexibility to the spine, joints and helps to lose weight.
15. Always end your yoga session with the relaxing Shavasan or the corpse pose. This asana aids relaxation, respiration and concentration. This helps to normalize the physiological and psychological functions in the body.
16. Do conscious breathing exercises or pranayam. It has tremendous health benefits that help you stay young, improves cell oxygenation, has detoxifying effects and keeps skin radiant.
17. Make time for outdoor workouts. Like walks, cycling, swimming, trekking or whatever takes your fancy.
18. Stay off the couch or your chair. Being active, moving about and even 30 minutes of exercises a day can do wonders to reduce stress, anxiety and keeps your skin radiant and glowing.
19. Warm up. Always begin your exercise regime with a good warm up
20. Spot jogging – 3 minutes ( Improves blood circulation, fortifies bones and ligaments)
21. Jumping jacks – 20 reps, 30 seconds ( Cardiovascular effect, metabolic booster)
22. Side bending – 15 reps, each side-30 seconds (works on the love handles, strengthens spine)
23. Toe touching – 15 reps, 30 seconds ( Strengthens hamstrings, legs and back)
24. Neck and shoulder rotationsshrugs-10 times-clockwise/anticlockwise, 1and ½ minutes ( Eases and reduces neck and shoulder strain)
25. Squats -20 reps, 30 seconds (Train for strength and toned legs)
26. Lunges -20 reps each leg, 1 and ½ minutes (Works on hamstrings, firms buttocks, thighs)
27. Leg rotation – clockwise and anti clockwise, 10 reps on each leg, 2 minutes (works on the sides, legs and hips)
28. Leg kicks – front and sideways, 15 reps with each leg, 3 minutes (helps work the hips and the core)
29. Ab crunches and lying down cycling – 20 reps each, 3 minutes (For washboard abs and core strength)
30. Oblique crunches -15 each side, 1 minute (for abs and toning of love handles)
31. Burpee – When done in quick succession it enhances strength, agility, coordination and aerobic conditioning.
32. Pull ups – tones and strengthens the back muscles, shoulders and arms.
33. Push ups – builds and strengthens the chest, shoulders and triceps and improves core strength.
34. Bench Press – Strengthens chest, shoulder and arm muscles.
35. Bicep curl – works on strengthening and toning the biceps.
36. Plank pose – benefits the entire body especially the core muscles and the arms.
37. Side plank – tones and strengthens the obliques, core muscles and arms.
38. Shoulder exercise against a wall – gives a good stretch and works on the upper back muscles.
39. Cycling – improves leg strength, tones legs and buttock muscles.
40. Walking – tones the leg muscles, improves cardiovascular fitness, lowers risk of hypertension, heart diseases, osteoporosis.
41. Running –enhances cardiovascular function, improves heart health, strengthens the muscles of the legs and abdomen.
42. Rowing – improves heart health, strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, upper back and the arms. It can be done outdoors (row boat) or indoors (rowing machine).
43. Tai chi – improves balance, bone and heart health, sleep and overall wellness.
44. Pilates – improves stability, balance, coordination, reduces stress, anxiety and tension, improves core strength and postural alignment.
45. Boot camp – boosts strength, stamina, metabolism and weight loss.
46. Swimming – promotes heart-lung conditioning, has rehabilitative benefits, boosts metabolism, strength and flexibility.
47. Aqua aerobics – improves cardio vascular efficiency, helps tone thighs, shoulders arms and the abdominal muscles.
48. Dance exercises/Zumba – improve blood circulation, memory, coordination, balace and burns calories.
49. Kick boxing – is a total body workout and is excellent for endurance, coordination and flexibility.
50. Court and field sports – like tennis, volleyball, badminton etc provides variety, challenge, builds strong supple body, improve agility, stamina and skills.
51. 10 minutes of breathing exercises – Kapalbhathi, anulom-vilom –(promotes clarity of thought, liberates you from worries, tension and stress)
52. Relax in shavasan 10 minutes (Helps de-stress)
53. Meditate for 10 minutes – Can be done at any time, for inner peace

Good food and good nutrition is the best alternate medicine for its healing and protective powers. Consumption of these foods will make you feel vibrant and alive. Listed below are 53 health boosting foods for longevity, immunity, for reversing the aging process, for enlivening the senses and for better sleep and libido – foods that will never let you down…….

1. Almonds: contains cancer fighting antioxidants, is rich in proteins, Calcium, Vitamin E and fibre, has heart protective properties.
2. Walnuts: are rich in proteins, omega 3 fatty acids (excellent for heart health), trace minerals, vitamins and good for better memory and cognitive functions.
3. Pinenuts: are good sources of essential Minerals and Vitamins, contains heart protective mono unsaturated fatty acids.
4. Peanuts: contain oleic acid and mono unsaturated fatty acids and the antioxidant Resveratrol that prevent coronary heart diseases, is high in proteins and fibre and promotes immunity.

5. Avocado: are rich in disease fighting antioxidants, helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels and essential vitamins and minerals.
6. Pomegranates: Protects against heart ailments, cancer and blood pressure, boosts immunity, enhances the skin texture and reduces aging process.
7. Bananas: are high in potassium, low in sodium, provides energy, prevents muscle cramps during exercises, are mood elevators, have natural antacids and aids digestion.
8. Custard apple: are rich sources of Vitamin A & C, is a powerful antioxidant, and excellent for healthy hair, eyes and skin.
9. Papaya: is great for the skin and can be used as a face pack to ward off acne and skin infections, is rich in fibre, contains enzymes that prevent cholesterol oxidation and heart diseases, has anti-aging properties, is low in calories and high in nutritional values.
10. Berries and citrus fruits: blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cranberries and citrus fruits are rich in antioxidants that help your body fight oxidative stress and protect your body against inflammation, cellular damage, diseases and build up of free radicals that can damage cells and organs.
11. Mango: is touted as the king of fruits not just for its taste but more for its health benefits which include protection against cancer, high cholesterol, eye problems etc due to its antioxidant properties and alkalized the body.
12. Olives: The fruits, and oil extracted from them are used extensively in Mediterranean cooking and has been found to lower incidences of coronary artery diseases, cancer, BP etc. It is rich in antioxidants , minerals, vitamins and phyto sterols.

13. Carrot: is a powerful health giving vegetable. The carotenoid in carrots make it a powerful antioxidant protecting the heart from oxidative damage, improves vision health, has anti-cancer properties, boosts immune system and prevents premature aging.
14. Beets: are rich in antioxidant vitamins and minerals that boost bone strength, immunity and prevents anemia.
15. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, methi, amaranth etc: reduces risk of cancer and heart diseases, are rich in vitamins and minerals, and are high in antioxidants.
16. Sweet potatoes are high in Vitamin A, fibre, potassium, decrease the risk of diabetes, obesity and heart disease and promote healthy complexion, increased energy, and vision.
17. Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins A and C and folic acid. Tomatoes contain a plethora of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants, including alpha-lipoic acid, lycopene, choline, folic acid, beta-carotene and lutein-antioxidants that help combat cancer,heart diseases, diabetes etc.
18. Pumpkin: Pumpkin is a storehouse of many anti-oxidant vitamins such as vitamin-A, vitamin-C and vitamin-E and contains no saturated fats or cholesterol; is rich in dietary fiber, anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins. The vegetable is one of the food items recommended by dieticians in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs.
19. Bottlegourd: is highly recommended by Ayurveda for its action on digestive health, as a cooling, calming and diuretic vegetable, its alkalizing properties etc. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and its juice is strongly recommended for weight loss and liver health.
20. Broccoli: belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family, which includes kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, cabbage, collard greens, turnips etc. It is a good source of Vitamins A,C,K, folates, helps lower risk of cancer; colon cancer, chronic diseases, protects bone health.
21. Salad vegetables: Toss together a salad with vegetables like cucumbers, lettuce, red cabbage, romaine leaves etc for excellent health benefits.They all contain loads of the carotenoids vitamin A, C, fibre and helps build immunity.

22. Brown rice: promotes cardiovascular, digestive and nervous system functioning, is rich in fibre and antioxidants that protect against ailments such as hypertension, heart ailments, unhealthy levels of cholesterol, cancer, colon cancer, diabetes etc.
23. Millets: health benefits of millets like ragi, jowar, bajra etc include protection against heart ailments, diabetes, digestive disorders, constipation, lower your risk of cancer, boosts immunity, energy levels and improve your muscle and nerve health.
24. Quinoa: is a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids, iron, plenty of fibre and other nutrients, is free of gluten, helps digestive function, helps lower cholesterol and glucose levels.
25. Amaranth flour or rajgira flour: Amaranth, locally known as Rajgira, is a complete vegetarian source of protein and contains all the 9 essential amino acids needed by the body. Amaranth flour is gluten free, is high in iron, Vitamin C, magnesium, Calcium and amino acids.
26. Oats: Its high soluble fibre content helps to lower the risk of heart disease, levels of cholesterol, and reduces one’s risk of colon and rectal cancers.

27. Dals and whole pulses: is high in fibre, nutrients and strengthens the heart, improves circulation and liver and kidney vitality. It is a good source of energy, proteins, complex carbohydrates and are easy to digest.
28. Sprouts: provide a wide range of health benefits, has high amounts of natural enzymes, fibre and Vitamin C. Sprouting of beans, nuts and grains increases the concentration of mineral content especially of Vitamin E, C, iron, phyto chemicals, antioxidants, and proteins.
29. Flax seeds: they are high in antioxidants, contain dietary fibre, protects from cancer of the prostate and breast and lifestyle diseases like diabetes, high BP, heart diseases etc.
30. Melon seeds: good source of plant-based protein, antioxidants, Vitamins A,C,E, keeps cholesterol under control, reduces risk of cancer, regulates blood pressure, improves bone density and are also used in treating migraines, insomnia, and depression.
31. Chia seeds: is a super food that has high quality proteins, fibre, omega 3 fatty acids, minerals and vitamins, for strong bones and reduces risk of diabetes, heart ailments, hypertension etc.
32. Pumpkin/seeds: are rich in fibre, antioxidants, lowers blood pressure, protects heart, improves sleep and boosts vision.
33. Sesame seeds: are full of high quality protein, vitamins and minerals. Helps prevent diabetes, reduces blood pressure, boosts heart and bone health, good for digestion and for healthy skin, has antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties, relieves arthritis.
34. Rice bran: the outer hull of rice kernels is rich in nutrients and offers a number of health benefits because of its high content of B vitamins and fibre.
35. Garlic: belongs to Allium or onion, leek and shallot family. This active component in garlic boosts the immune system, helps to lower cholesterol, BP and is a powerful antioxidant.
36. Ginger: has medicinal, anti fungal and anti inflammatory benefits and is ideal for digestion, helps fight colds, improves absorption and assimilation, clears sinuses and relieves joint pain.

37. Alfalfa: alkalizes and detoxifies the body, high in chlorophyll and nutrients, has antifungal properties.
38. Celery: it’s juice, roots, stem and seeds are storehouse of iron, Vitamin A, B and C. It’s good for preventing arthritis, reduces BP, cleanses the liver and acts as an antioxidant.
39. Dandelion: cleanses the liver and blood, used as a diuretic, improves functions of the pancreas, spleen and kidneys. It is taken for gout, anaemia, jaundice fluid retention, constipation etc. It helps to reduce uric acid and serum cholesterol.
40: Fennel: The roots, stem, leaves and fruits are used to promote liver, kidney and spleen functions. It relieves gas and colon disorders. It is effective in treatment of cancer, gout etc.
41. Fenugreek: High in B complex vitamins, A and D and, Vitamin B 12. It help to lower cholesterol, control diabetes, sinus and inflammations.
42: Ginseng roots: is a good source of vitamin A, B 12 and E. It is recommended for impotency, diabetes, colds, chest congestion and enhances immune function.
43. Kelp: leaves are beneficial for thyroid function, are high in minerals and used for hair loss, goitre and treating ulcers.
44: Licorice roots: has estrogen like hormone effects, is beneficial for bronchitis, colitis, colds, and is a good source of B complex vitamins.
45. Parsley: contains potassium, Vitamins A and C and is recommended for edema, fluid retention, indigestion, gas, and for stomach, liver and kidney functions.
46: Thyme: Eliminates gas, mucous, headaches, good for chronic respiratory problems, colds and flu.
47: Coriander and Mint: Full of flavour, are good sources of calcium, Vitamin C, beta-carotene, iron, antioxidants and stimulates the digestive system.
48. Basil: Rich in antioxidants, Vitamin C, beta carotene, volatile oils and boosts the immune system. It possesses anti bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties. It is a digestive stimulant and relieves stomach cramps.
49. Sage: Rich in B vitamins, calcium, potassium and Zinc, helps to maintain healthy nervous system, reduces stress and anxiety. Its oils have anti spasmodic effects and can be used in treating digestive problems.
50. Rosemary: this fragrant herb is an important ingredient in cooking and for aromatherapy. It is rich in fibre, Vitamin A, C and B vitamins. It relieves inflammation, helps in management of many disorders and oxidative stress.
51. Aloe vera: This miracle plant contains phytochemicals and nutrients that are beneficial for the health of the skin and hair. It aids digestion, detoxifies the body, alleviates acidity and ulcers, boosts the immune system and helps to treat burns, bruises, wounds and inflammations.
52. Green tea; This health giving beverage is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, improves nervous and digestive functions, lowers risk of breast, colon and prostate cancers, reduces risks of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases and protects against heart diseases.
53. Yogurt from cow’s milk: The lactobacillus or the live culture in yoghurt protects the digestive system, maximizes nutrient absorption, and boosts the immune system.

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