
Physiological and Spiritual Wellness

One of the key components for physical and physiological health is food and rest for the body. In rest we heal, in rest we restore our energy and in rest we reverse our bio clock. Rest and relaxation induces calmness, reduces tension and stress and lowers the blood pressure. It has great therapeutic value. Lack of sleep can cause mood swings, obesity, low immunity   and fatigue and productivity. Take this aspect of wellness seriously.

Health is derived from organic soundness. It is a process of rediscovering the natural biorhythms and fine tuning with the environment outside. Good health is a complete integration of mind, body and soul. A relationship exists between health, mind and the environment. Our bodies deal with constant abuse on a day to day basis. An unhealthy diet and lifestyle can disturb the balance necessary for cellular function.

Holistic health can be attained through attitude, thought process, behavioural pattern, lifestyle correction and enhancement with principles of yoga, rest, relaxation methods, intelligent eating habits, physical activity, meditation and prayer. Health also means improved immunity, increased blood circulation, better stamina and energy levels. Eat healthy, exercise daily-that should be the mantra of your life.

Wellness at the Physiological Level: Physiological health is the integration of healthy organ and cell function and lays the foundation for coping with stress and diseases. Healthy foods and exercises can transform you physiologically. Foods if combined well have detoxifying, healing and regenerative properties. Foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients like vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, sprouts, whole grains, beverages like herbal/green teas, greens, seeds etc are required to fight the degenerative processes in our system. Toxins in our body can cause dysfunctions like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart problems, diabetes, acidity, indigestion etc. The food we eat lays the foundation for our physiological well-being, for every cell and tissue in our body. The purpose of food is to nourish us, build strength and to give vital energy. Digestive harmony is the key for release of this vital energy needed for healthy living. Foods influence our moods, thoughts, attitudes, provide mental clarity and give a boost to our intelligence. The science of Ayurveda – the creative and constructive life science – says that every part of our mind and body is governed by the DOSHAS – the bio-energetic force or elements that sustain life. Refined, processed and preserved foods are all totally devoid of this nutrition and vitality. Wholesome, raw and natural foods are ideal. Nature has handed down to us wholesome, natural foods that have absorbed the cosmic energy, and are super charged with ample rainfall and sunshine. These foods must be utilized to the fullest for health and wellness.

According to Ayurveda, meals that have a perfect combination of all 6 tastes like sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent and pungent have balancing ability, provides proper nourishment and regulates appetite and digestion. These senses are a natural gateway for proper functioning of the body.

A healthy lifestyle is one that constantly heals, rejuvenates and regenerates you with time. With sensible dietary habits that regulate the cleansing and nourishing processes, it is possible to halt the build-up of toxins which are the causes for most mental and physical degradation. So, we need to consciously keep generating new cells within us through the above mentioned endeavours, the culmination of which ensures that diseases remain at bay, that your immunity will be invincible and your wellness parameters are par excellence.

Wellness at the Spiritual Level: It is necessary to keep our spiritual component alive as a prerequisite for organic wellness. The one factor most important for health is balance. This is attainable when one pursues sound health through food, exercises, adequate rest and sleep, attitude and behaviour to help you become successful, buoyant, cheerful and content.  Love, caring, compassion, sharing and philanthropy must be an integral part of one’s life as they bring deep satisfaction to our souls. Health without spirituality has no meaning. Good thoughts and positive thinking help to boost the morale.

Listed below are a few steps one needs to follow to achieve a state of consciousness and to promote ultimate wellness:

  1. Breathing or Pranayam: Pranayam or breathing exercises work in tandem to revitalize the body, clears confusion and clutter and brings clarity to the mind. Kapalabhati, Anuloma Viloma, Brahmari, Sithali and OM chanting are the recommended breathing exercises. Regular practice of yoga and pranayam will help liberate you from worries, tensions, phobias and fatigue.
  2. Meditation And Prayer: Practice of meditation cleanses the mind of emotions like anger, anxiety, jealousy, and resentment, liberates energy  and removes fears, phobia, greed, lust etc that are harmful to our system. Prayer too plays a vital role in paving the way towards health and well-being. Prayer helps remove psychological toxins and emotional baggage and gives one spiritual upliftment.
  3. Compassion: be unconditionally and selflessly loving and love even those who don’t love you.
  4. Benevolence: Kindness even to those who are not kind to you.
  5. Philanthropy: from love to empathy, from wealth to service and motivating others to be magnanimous.
  6. Grace: Accepting life as it is and responding with grace.
  7. Creativity: creating joy of life to every aspect of life.
  8. Cosmic nutrition: communicating and bonding with the elements of nature like the sun, water, earth, plants, flowers or listening to the chirping of the birds can be stimulating, relaxing and at the same time, healthy, as it helps provide Vitamin D for the skin and the bones.
  9. Rest and relaxation: Are two highly recommended components for relieving physical and mental stress. Besides these, reading books, spending time with friends and family, prayers all contribute to bringing cheer, joy and happiness which in turn helps to slow down the aging process.

It is my endeavour to promote the healing systems of Ayurveda, naturopathy, meditation and prayers. Good health and a stress and ailment free life must be our top priority. A healthy and fit mind, body and spirit makes you successful in every walks of life, gives discipline and makes you graceful in your attitude, thoughts and action.

My wellness Temple is a place of worship for health.  Wellness addresses you in 360 degrees perspective and lays the foundation for total well-being making you achievers. Wellness means lifestyle correction to help you attain physiological, physical, emotional and spiritual transformation, to include all aspects of being healthy.

All my centers offer holistic health and total wellness where we strive to encourage and empower all to choose a lifestyle aimed at correction and regulation of the body systems in order to bring about physical, emotional and spiritual transformation and vibrancy in health. My emphasis is on equipment free training with exercises like Yoga, Calisthenics, boot camp, challenging cardio workouts etc. The new workouts called the Yo workouts are a combination of these. These exercises address the body in totality and also provide tremendous recreational value. My mission has always been to create a functional exercise plan that is recreational as well as simple to pursue and sustain.  Use of props like Swiss balls, medicine balls, resistance tubes, parallel bars etc make these exercises motivating and help to alleviate boredom as well. These exercises promote wellness by improving stamina, strength, tone flexibility, agility, helps maintain ideal body-fat ratio and boosts the immune and the metabolic systems of our body.

Mickeymize with Meditation

As meditation heals, celebration also heals. A day of dance and music can add a year to your life, celebrating in every condition will end all your strife. It’s the attitude and the perspective of life which is healing in the first place, releasing all the antibodies for happy feeling in your holy space. Have the time of life and heal your lifetime, let your celebration be maximized, to be on the top of your game and get MickeyMized.